Social Media applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are the most used app all over the world. People are able to share and express their thoughts and whatever they are doing at the moment.
Pinoy Trending Showbiz TMBYN on YouTube shared a video of Bubbles Paraiso and Miss Angel Locsin trying out a bunny filter and Miss Angel still look beautiful even though she is doing a wacky face.
Miss Angel and Bubbles Paraiso are often seen together on their Instagram stories and posts. The two are very close to each other to the point that they are inseparable. Even though they're tired, they still look gorgeous.
Miss Angel and Bubbles have tons of videos together. There was also a time while the both of them are in a car, they made a wacky musically video together in the tune of 'Work' by Rihanna.
What more can you say about these two lovely ladies? They have the beauty, brain and body.
And if you have a best friend and you want to list down a bucket list for you to achieve, try seeing Bubbles and Angel's BFF GOALS! Aside from making these wacky clips, they also go travelling together. They usually go hiking together along with their other closest friends. Conquering mountains together is truly a BFF GOAL! Not only that, having an hourglass shaped body is one of their amazing goals together.
Miss Angel Locsin and Bubbles Paraiso are the best friends that you would really look up to!
Watch the cute video of Miss Angel Locsin and Bubbles Paraiso trying out the bunny filter below:
For more of their kulitan, follow them on Instagram to be updated!
What can you say about Miss Angel Locsin and Bubbles Paraiso? Do you want to also achieve their BFF GOALS? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!