Are you one of those who are currently searching for sweet moments that could cover up the pain in your heart? Worry no more because we got your back!

On July 12, Neil Arce tried the newest sticker on Instagram Stories which is the 'Ask me a question' sticker wherein he gamely answered questions from his follower.
The thing is, Neil Arce answered a lot of questions that are related to the love of his life, Angel Locsin.
Before going through these six kilig-est moments, try to prepare your NeilGel heart first because you might end up exploding becauase of too much kilig feels!
1. When he was asked to choose betwen Angel or Darna, he said: "Angelica Colmenares" proving that REAL is literally way better than reel.

2. When he showed his followers that he knows his girlfriend too well.

3. Are you a "Game of Thrones" fans? Check out how he answered this question. Of course, in the heart of Neil, he still wishes her to be his Queen.