Angel Locsin is indeed one of the most popular stars in the local entertainment industry which is why a lot of people are not only admiring her, but are also going gaga every time they see her. In fact, may that person be a fan or not, I will assure you that he/she would flash a bright smile on his/her face once she meet Angel Locsin face to face.
That is exactly what had happened when Kuya Jobert suprised the studio audience of Banana Sund8 and told them that he has a special guest and she's none other than Angel Locsin. He even slammed the previous celebrities claiming that their guests are nothing compared to his special guest and once Angel Locsin stepped into the stage, the audience literally went wild!
Angel Locsin greeted the studio audience who welcomed her with a loud cheer! She then greeted Kuya Jobert and give him a peck on the cheek which made him shiver.