The rainy season has finally started, exciting all the coffee lovers out there who think that the best thing to do during a rainy season is to sip a cup of coffee while wearing pyjamas. Don't get me wrong, a lot of people believe that it is the best thing that everyone should do during a rainy season, but then, it seems that Angel Locsin doesn't believe such thing because instead of staying indoors to relax and drink coffee, Angel Locsin goes out to send help to the flood victims.
Recently, the people of Marikina are seeking help because of how the tropical storm Karding submerged their homes. MarikeƱos got stranded in their homes and workplaces because of the sudden rise of flood waters because of the non-stop pouring of heavy rain.
Due to the non-stop pouring of heavy rain, homes submerged in flood, forcing families to leave their homes and move to a safer place. The thing is, given the tragedy that they had experienced, they ended up having the feeling of hunger and thirst.
The good thing is the fact that there are still a lot of people like Angel Locsin who would no longer seek for the attention of the press or the media just for her to extend a helping hand. Without hesitation, Angel Locsin left her home and rushed to the evacuation centers in Marikina and Rizal to distribute goods to the evacuees.
Angel Locsin has transformed into a real-life Darna when she visited the evacuation centers along with her crew, to distribute something that could ease their hunger. With the cooperation of Mang Inasal, Angel Locsin was able to provide the flood victims something to eat.